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Safely Travel with this Cybersecurity Checklist

Safely Travel with this Cybersecurity Checklist

You probably have a few vacations and road trips planned over the next few months. As you get ready to go, remember this travel Cybersecurity Checklist!

  • Take time to update all of your operating systems, software, and apps. Having to install these while you’re on the road can be a real pain and use up valuable data.
  • Make sure you backup all of your data in case your device is damaged, lost, or stolen.
  • Be careful with your travel plans on social media, and definitely don’t announce your vacation dates. You don’t want criminals to know when your home is empty. Find more information on how to keep your information safe on social media here
  • Be wary of the public unsecured Wi-Fi at airports, hotels, restaurants, etc. 
    • Never access sensitive or personal data. That includes: banking information, work and personal email, social media, etc.
    • Never leave your computer, phone, or tablet unattended or unlocked.
    • Never shop online using public WiFi. When entering your credit card information and address, you can easily be hacked.
    • Whenever possible, use your Virtual Private Network (VPN). VPN can encrypt all the data and information you send and receive while using public WiFi.
    • Turn your Bluetooth off when you’re not using it. Hackers look for open Bluetooth signals to gain access to your devices.
    • Turn off the automatic WiFi Connectivity when you aren’t in a safe place like home or work. Although this is an extremely convenient feature, it allows your device to seamlessly connect to unsecured WiFi hot spots without your knowledge or consent.
  • Never use public computers to access sensitive data either.

Find other useful travel cybersecurity tips here.

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